Smoothie Benefits
- these drinksHelps you lose weight without giving up sweetsand turning to a strict "bad" diet.
- Smoothies come in a variety of recipes (and flavors) - you can choose one that suits your wallet, palate, and body requirements.you can cook it yourself, use a blender.
- Thick smoothies will quickly fill you up and replace your usual dishes. They are consumed while running (in the subway, while driving, walking), so this type of nutrition delights students, young mothers and careerists. But: You shouldn't gulp down the glass in one gulp—sip smoothies slowly.
- These drinks are absorbed faster than solid food, so they won't overload your stomach even if you drink them late.
- This diet is suitable for vegetarians and raw food eaters.
- Lose -2kg in 3 days drinking smoothies.
Who this diet is not suitable for: Contraindications
- kidney and liver problems. With a smoothie diet, these organs are forced to work harder. If they can't handle it anymore, there's no point in taking the risk.
- Gastrointestinal disorders(Frequent diarrhea, intestinal disorders). Smoothies are mostly fiber. By cleansing the stomach, drinks will only exacerbate the listed internal problems.
- Pregnancy, breastfeeding. During this period, strict diets and sudden weight loss are contraindicated.
- Allergy or intolerance to a certain product. If you're probably already familiar with certain products, "fashion" (spirulina, lavender, acai, bee bread) is the word most people first read. It is not necessary to use such products uncontrollably - start with a food allergy test (conducted in a medical laboratory), or at least introduce the body to a new product little by little.
What are the principles for preparing meal smoothies?

Three types of such drinks
Awakening (morning)
- 200ml soy milk;
- 1 banana;
- 2 tablespoons almond butter;
- 40ml maple syrup or honey;
- 40 ml of coffee (preferably espresso).
Nutrition (daily)
- 200ml pineapple juice;
- 100ml coconut milk;
- 1 banana;
- 3 large strawberries.
Calm (evening)
- A sprig of fresh mint;
- 2-3 sprigs of lavender;
- A slice of lime.
What can be added to such drinks?
- blue spirulina(This mountain kelp will infuse the cocktail with protein and give it an impressive, heavenly hue);
- pollen or pollen(Sources of this vitamin can be found in pharmacies and beekeeping markets);
- Brazilian berry(a valuable antioxidant - berries from the Amazon, available fresh or frozen);
- maple syrup or honey(Healthy sweeteners, but check the ingredients before purchasing such products);
- ginger("Immune boosters" make drinks spicier);
- poppy seeds(nourishing and relaxing);
- cocoa powder(source of caffeine, and "chocolate mood").
But adding salt and sugar is not recommended. Don’t even get carried away with honey—it’s still a high-calorie product.
Storage of finished product formulas
In the cold half of the year, cocktails should not be cooled, but heated (but the temperature of the product does not exceed +50 degrees). The easiest way is to add boiling water to fruits and vegetables. Winter "immune" ingredients are also not superfluous: echinacea tincture, rosehip decoction, ginger, turmeric, royal jelly and other beekeeping products.
How to drink these drinks correctly
- This is the main food. Not a dessert or preserve. So don’t drink soup and steak with a smoothie.
- I followed this diet for a weekQuit greasy and fried foodsand other delicious but calorie-dense dishes.
- Boil it and drink it. "Live" cocktails should not be shaken for future use. Vitamins can be affected by storage (and the drink itself may turn dark and unsightly).
- In order for your dieting results to be impressive, you need to pay attention not only to the breakdown of fat;Fill your body with as much clean water as possible. This will help eliminate toxins and maintain your complexion. Therefore, when losing weight, replace your usual coffee and tea with water - regular drinking water or non-carbonated mineral water. No, tea and coffee are not prohibited. But don’t exceed 2 cups a day, but drink about 1. 5 liters of water.
- Smoothies can be prepared with a drinking diet, but add more liquid to prevent the cocktail from turning into a mushy mess. Important: Do not forget that a drinking diet is useful only in the first month - after the 30th day, this nutrition can be harmful.
Can I drink it on an empty stomach?
By the way, after drinking such a cocktail, you will no longer need a hearty breakfast. Smoothies are a complete meal in terms of calories and volume. But if you're not full, drink a "live" cocktail 30-40 minutes before your meal (this also applies to lunch and dinner).
Can I have smoothies at night?
7 day detox diet

on Monday
- breakfast: Buckwheat or oatmeal (or steamed oatmeal).
- dinner: Light meats and vegetables. You can cook anything - beef slices stewed with cabbage, steamed chicken chops with steamed vegetables, stir-fried rabbit.
- dinner: One serving of unsweetened yogurt or cottage cheese.
Comments on Smoothie Diet
- This diet is delicious and satisfying;
- It's trendy, trendy, youthful (and Instagrammable), and there's no shame in bringing a smoothie to class or work;
- The colorful cocktails are a feast for the eyes;
- You can cook it with anything (even tomatoes and celery, even strawberries and milk);
- Cooking is easy – no need to stand over the stove (a career woman or student’s dream when it comes to cooking);
- Such nutrients purify the body;
- Throughout the diet, there was a pleasant lightness to the body, not bordering on impotence, but bordering on robustness.
- Such nutrients can improve skin tone;
- You can lose -8 kg in 2 weeks.
However, not everyone's weight loss is smooth sailing. Negative comments are few and far between but still there. Here's what they write: In the off-season, such food is expensive (however, you can't buy the same spirulina in the summer), and the recipe is not suitable for committed meat eaters - they will suffer from severe hunger.