What exercises at home can effectively reduce the weight of the abdomen and sides

Abdominal and side weight loss exercises

Everyone likes a beautiful and slim figure. We always envy a handsome man with athletic ability. Don't blame everything on genetics. Man creates his own body!

This article introduces the most effective and effective way to lose weight on the abdomen and sides.

Anatomical characteristics of the muscles on the front surface of the abdomen

Before continuing to practice, you need to understand the main anatomical features and functions of the abdominal and bilateral muscle groups. The rectus abdominis is located at the white line of the abdomen.

This muscle is responsible for the cherished Abs cube. On one side of the rectus abdominis, the external and internal oblique muscles overlap each other. Research on these muscles will reduce the waist and remove unnecessary "ears" from jeans.

Important notice!

Any exercise must start with warming up and body warming up. This will speed up the body's metabolism (metabolism) and prepare for muscle building.

Warming up is very important because it prevents injuries. You only need to spend a few minutes:

  1. Advance in one place, raising your thigh for 45-60 seconds. It is best to do this at maximum speed.
  2. Jog for 1-2 minutes. Simulating slow running will speed up blood circulation throughout the body.
  3. Swing your arms in front of you until you feel a warm burning sensation on your shoulders.

Weight loss abdominal exercise

Everyone has smoked drugs and dreamed of dice. What makes us very annoyed is that it should be pointed out that not all exercises are equally effective. Each exercise has its own place in the training plan, and has its own rhythm and skills.

The mistake of choosing an exercise for the press is to choose a more complex and elaborate exercise. This is wrong, because sometimes the simplest and most famous exercise works better than two new exercises.

Abdominal exercise

So, this is the exercise you need to reduce abdominal weight:

  1. Turn your torso to the floor.Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Raise your legs and bend towards your knees. In this case, the hips should be vertical. When exhaling, raise the elbow to the opposite knee 12 to 17 times. This exercise involves the outer muscles of the abdomen.
  2. Distorted torso.Lie down, bending your legs. Hands behind the head. As you exhale, tear off the shoulder blade from the floor while keeping your elbows to the side. Bend your back and lift the shoulder blades. Do 15-17 repetitions. Then keep the torso in the curved position for 20-25 seconds. This supplement will enhance the exercise effect and speed up the weight loss process.
  3. The trunks on the bench undulate.To perform this exercise, you need a bench or chair. Lie on your back and put your calf on the chair. In this position, the knees should face up. Put your hands behind your head and point your elbows to the side. Lift the shoulder blade off the ground, keeping the elbows in place. After repeating 20 to 30 times, we continue to twist the waist and continue to practice, touching the left knee with the right elbow, and touching the right knee with the left elbow.
  4. Raise your legs on the bench.This exercise can engage the lower rectus abdominis muscles (lower cube). To start this exercise, sit on the edge of a chair or bench. Put your hands on the back. Straighten your legs in front of the floor. Lift your legs, bend at the knee joints, and try to extend the knees to the shoulder joints.

A set of exercises to lose weight on the abdomen, side, buttocks and buttocks

The effective exercise method to reduce the weight of the abdomen, sides and legs is as follows:

A set of exercises to lose weight
  1. Lizard.Exercise the muscles using the abdomen, buttocks, back and arms. Sitting on the floor with his hands behind. Raise your hips as high as possible above the floor and bend back. In this case, throw the head back. Keep your legs straight. To facilitate the exercise, you can place your hands away from your hips, but it is worth noting that the closer your hands are to your hips, the stronger your muscles tighten.
  2. Scissors.Sitting on the floor, straight. Rest your hands behind. Raise your legs to 45 degrees above the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. Then, without lowering your legs, spread them out and pull them together for 15-25 seconds. It is recommended to exercise in a position with your back slightly tilted back. This will maximize the pressure on the abdominal and hip muscles. The lower the backward tilt, the smaller the angle between the floor and the legs, and the more difficult the exercise.
  3. Lie on your back and raise your knees.Exercise involves the muscles of the trunk and lower limbs. Standing in a supine position (standing like in a push-up exercise), with your back straight, raise each knee as far as possible to the abdomen, and first aim at the shoulder of the same name to maximize the repetition. Then to the opposite shoulder, the maximum number of repetitions.

Exercise using sports equipment is rightly considered more effective and fun.

Hula hoop courses are suitable for girls of any age. They are very easy to implement and very effective even at home.

No need to buy expensive fitness equipment to train the muscles of the torso and buttocks. Just buy a gymnastics hoop or hula hoop, and then perform the following exercises systematically.

Exercise the abdomen and side
  1. Slope.A basic exercise that activates the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the extradentinal muscles and the intercostal muscles. The systematic training of this muscle group will significantly reduce the waist and make the figure more sporty. When bending forward, your back should be completely flat. This will tighten the spine muscles and keep you straight. Execution: Standing on the floor. Separate your legs. Straight arms keep the hula hoop above the head. In order not to move the pelvis, we tilt in all four directions. Repeat 12-17 times in both directions.
  2. turn.This exercise emphasizes the load of the internal oblique and external abdominal muscles. Since you need to keep the pelvis still, the muscles of the buttocks and buttocks will open. Keep your feet open. Keep the hula hoop at chest level with both hands. Without moving the pelvis, at the cost of 1, we use the hoop to turn to the right, and at the cost of 2-move to the starting position. We will not alternate the two sides. First, perform 13 repetitions in one direction, and then perform the same number of repetitions in the other direction.
  3. Swing your legs.This exercise uses the largest number of muscle groups: back, legs, arms, abdominal muscles. Execution: Standing on the floor. The top hand holds a hula hoop. In order to keep the back still, we swing our legs forward 60-90 degrees, to the side and backward. Perform 12-22 repeated kicks alternately in both directions.

The next exercise is dumbbells (at home, you can replace dumbbells with a weight of the required weight).

Squat is the best exercise to compress hips and thighs. Holding dumbbells in hand. From a standing position, walk forward with your right foot. Then we sit down so that the left knee touches the floor, and the angle of the right knee joint is at least 90 degrees (this is the safe angle when loading the knee joint). Our legs repeat 13 times in sequence.

Use a ball to exercise abdominal weight loss

Next, let's start with the ball. The best exercise to train all muscle groups in our body is the "ball on the plane".

During this exercise, the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and back bear a lot of load. Because boredom is definitely not an exercise, it will increase your body tone and improve your mood.

Airplane on the ball: Place the ball on a flat surface. Lie on the abdomen on the ball, hands and feet on the floor.

When you are in a comfortable position, try to lift your arms and legs off the floor at the same time. The important thing is that the entire torso and limbs must be at the same level. We maintain this position for about 30 seconds.

Exercise breathing exercises for abdominal weight loss at home

  1. Diaphragm breathing(Abdominal breathing) is the next step. It prepares for stress and prevents convulsions caused by overwork. Fulfillment: When you breathe in, you stretch out your stomach, and when you exhale, you stretch your stomach into your body to squeeze out air from your body.
  2. Vacuumis ​​a multi-functional exercise that can increase body stiffness and reduce waist. This operation can be performed not only at home, but also at any time at work. It is performed in a lying position, standing, sitting position and on all fours (the most difficult choice). The technique is very simple. We take the ideal position. We hold our breath, and when we exhale, we draw our stomach into our body, holding our breath for a few seconds in the initial stage. Start the course once a day and increase the number and duration as needed.

The skills of trainers and dietitians can effectively lose weight on the abdomen

Too much belly fat has always been a problem for men and women of all ages. For some reason, the excess calories will be deposited here immediately and accurately.

Abdomen and side weight loss exercise

In order to keep yourself in shape and stay attractive in spring and summer, you need to start training at least 4-6 months in advance. Our body cannot lose weight in certain areas.

We gradually and evenly discharge excess weight from all parts of the body. Therefore, your exercise should include total body strength and aerobic exercise.

At the end of the exercise, conduct targeted exercises for the problem area. It is best to practice several times a week for one and a half hours.

Try to change your diet to enhance the exercise effect. 2 hours before training, it is best to consume complex carbohydrates (boiled grains) and protein foods (boiled meat, eggs) after 90 minutes of exercise.

Please drink plenty of boiled water during and during exercise. Reduce consumption of flour and sugary foods.

Try to avoid soda and sugary drinks. Move your main meal to the morning.

You can lose weight! If you really want it, luck will always be with you. Love yourself, others will love you too!